Marine Pollution ControlMarine Pollution Control
8631 West Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48209 USA
313.849.2333 - 24/hour

11324 E Lakewood Blvd., #12 & #13
Holland, MI 49424
800-521-8232 – 24/Hour

GSA Contract #: GS-10F-0268R
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Submerged Oil Recovery Systems

mpc sub diagramUsing our patented, submersible oil recovery unit, we are able to locate, track and recover submerged oil at depths of up to 1,600 feet. Our two-person submarine is fitted with an underwater suction nozzle and connected to a KMA 333 hydraulic submersible pump capable of pumping 2,400+ gallons per minute.

Most spill clean-up efforts have traditionally concentrated on oil on surfaces, but oil on the bottom rolls to shore, creating a larger impact. “Recovering oil from the bottoms of oceans, lakes and rivers has been a major problem in oil spill cleanups,” said Dave Usher, CEO of Marine Pollution Control. “Our submersible goes a long way in helping solve the problems associated with underwater recovery.“

The submersible unit houses a pilot and one operator in a spherical acrylic cabin, providing excellent visibility in all directions. It has a normal air supply of six hours and a reserve supply of an additional 72 hours. The system is capable of recovering oil at depths of up to 200 feet.

mpc sub underwaterMPC has patented this procedure of oil spill recovery (US Patent No. 7,597,811). The unique characteristic of this system is that it does not contact the polluted sea bed, but rather hovers above it — minimizing disturbance to the oil-affected area.

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Submerged Oil Recovery System Test at OHMSETT

Proof of concept demonstration

Diver-assisted submerged oil recovery in the Gulf of Mexico