Last week, the International Spill Control Organization (ISCO) received a written confirmation that the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved the award of full consultative status. ISCO received provisional consultative status at IMO four years ago, and since this time, has been actively representing the international spill response community at meetings of the Marine Environment Protection Committee and the IMO OPRC-HNS Working Group.
David Usher, ISCO President and Chairman of Detroit-based ISCO member Marine Pollution Control, commented, “It’s an honor and pleasure to announce IMO’s granting of full consultative status to the International Spill Control Organization. It was in 1984, after being successful in developing the Spill Control Association of America (SCAA), that we felt the need to be able to communicate the concerns of the international spill control community to the maritime environmental world through IMO. My esteemed colleague, John McMurtrie, and I went forward with the idea of giving to the environmental communities of the world the knowledge of discovery and resolution of spills of consequence. We are honored to bring to the world communities the constant development of positive answers to the deterrence and mitigation of polluting spills.
In 1929, my father as a young man was considered a liquid junk man. Today doing what he did then would earn him the honorable recognition as an environmentalist. I close with that thought, which I’ve always felt is one of the best examples of “better things for better living.”
ISCO Secretary John McMurtrie added, “In the ISCO Newsletter of 17th December 2007, we announced that for the very first time, individual responders, spill response organizations, manufacturers and others responsible for the world’s capacity to respond to oil and chemical spills will have a voice at the International Maritime Organization. The recognition of ISCO means that, at long last, the professionals in the front line of spill combat operations will join with other organizations at IMO representing oil, shipping and environmental interests. The inclusion of those who provide the essential infrastructure for spill response fills a longstanding gap and will ensure a much better balance, allowing direct dialogue between IMO and the spill response community”.
The transition from provisional to permanent observer status at IMO is an important milestone for ISCO. Recognition at IMO followed two years after ISCO’s re-launch at IOSC Miami in 2005. For interest readers a paper introducing ISCO’s re-launch is reprinted in Issue 314 of the ISCO Newsletter at
For more information, contact John McMurtrie, +44 1467 632282,
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