April 9, 2014
A reliable solution for response and prevention that can save money, time and regulatory aggravation is here.
The threat of oil pollution has long been a problem in the shipping community. You don’t have to look too far to review the myriad of oil spills that have plagued the industry. The Exxon Valdez spill that occurred 25 years ago has recently come to the forefront once again as there is evidence that the ramifi cations of the spill are still being felt in the fragile eco-system of several Alaska beaches. Today’s oil spill response industry has certainly been moving with the times by introducing more and more advanced technologies to contain spills when they occur but even the tried and true method of using skimmers and booms can only do so much.
While the shipping industry is going greener it is also trying to cut costs. So treating hydrocarbons in situ is definitely something to look into. There is where using the right kind of bioremediation products come in. The process of bioremediation is nature’s way of solving contamination problems at the root of the cause. Tiny micro-organisms literally “eat” away at hydrocarbons, transforming them into a non-toxic combination of carbon dioxide and water, leaving surfaces like asphalt and workshop floors skid-free, countertops and floors shiny and clean, and hydraulic equipment looking like new.