Marine Pollution ControlMarine Pollution Control
8631 West Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48209 USA
313.849.2333 - 24/hour

11320 E Lakewood Blvd., #11
Holland, MI 49424
800-521-8232 – 24/Hour

GSA Contract #: GS-10F-0268R
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Monsanto critics denied U.S. Supreme Court hearing on seed patents

January 14, 2014
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Monsanto Co's biotech seed patents on Monday, dealing a blow to a group of organic farmers and other activists trying to stop the biotech company from suing farmers if their fields contain a few plants containing the company's genetically modified traits.
The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association and a group of dozens of organic and conventional family farmers, seed companies and public advocacy interests sued Monsanto in March 2011. The suit sought to prohibit the company from suing farmers whose fields became inadvertently contaminated with corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and other crops containing Monsanto's genetic modifications.