February 6, 2013
Duluth, MN (NNCNOW.com) - "The Environmental and Social impacts of Marine Transport in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Seaway Region," conducted by Ontario transportation consultants Research and Traffic Group, finds that, in terms of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions:
- The Great Lakes Seaway Fleet is nearly 1.2 times more fuel efficient than rail, and 7 times more than trucks.
It also finds that, if each mode carried the same cargo the same distance:
- rail would emit 19% more greenhouse gas emissions- semi would emit a whopping 533% more greenhouse gases.
"Of course, the ships need the rails and the trucks for the land side of the cargo movements," said Facilities Manager of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority, Jim Sharrow.
Sharrow says the comprehensive study only confirms what those in the business already knew when it came to shipping's advantages.But even more exciting, says Sharrow, is the fact that these figures aren't coming from only the most efficient lakers.